
Episode 80: Dumbledore’s Vacation Song

Hello magical friends, and welcome to episode 80 of WZRD Radio! I’m your Hostwitch Bess, and September is here! Normally I’d say that means fall has arrived but, well, I live in Florida.

I hope you all have sufficient air conditioning where you are!

Anyway, here’s our first set of music. This is “One Last Summer,” by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.


That was “One Last Summer” by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls [lyrics], “When Harry Came to Stay” from Ginny and the Weasleys [lyrics], and Kwikspell with “May, June, July, August” [lyrics].

September’s wandoscope is for magical friends who carry wands of tamarack.

Interestingly, magical friend, ‘tamarack’ is the name of a couple different kinds of trees, but most likely refers to a kind of larch. Fun fact: the English name probably derives from the Algonquian name, which means “wood used for snowshoes.” Tamarack wands are incredibly resilient and have an amazing ability to bounce back from a crisis—not that they should have to.

It’s time to get all your ducks in a row, tamarack wand. The fallow season is coming, so take stock of what you’re expecting of yourself and reduce it. It’s never wise to ask too much of yourself during the time of year when cones and needles drop and you’re supposed to be resting. I know it’s not easy, but it’s absolutely worth it to put yourself first for a while.

Our next music break is here, and it begins with Harry and the Potters “Two Weeks To Myself.”


You just heard “Two Weeks to Myself” from Harry and the Potters, The First Task is Dragons singing “The Summer of Albus and Gellert” [lyrics], “Don’t You Know,” from Go! Go! Gryffindor, and Marked as His Equal with “A Dobby Ditty” [lyrics].

September is here, and with it a whole new collection of fandom events. Here are just a few of your options:

This very weekend is DragonCon! From August 31st to September 4th in Atlanta, GA you can find wrockers like The Blibbering Humdingers and the Faithful Sidekicks. [link]

Today, September 1st, is also a BandCamp Friday, so make sure you stock up on wrock! [link]

September 8th has a “Grown Up Field Trip: Welcome to Hogwarts” experience at the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore, MD. [link]

The Moon Wizarding Festival is back on September 9th in Moon Township, PA, featuring Hawthorn & Holly and Muggle Snuggle! [link]

The Whomping Willows are putting on three nights of virtual magic on September 14th, 15th, and 16th. If you can’t make it on those nights, ticket holders will have access to permanent links so you can experience the magic any time. [link]

Tonks and the Aurors are putting on a library show in North Mankato, MN on September 15th. [link]

Chirk Castle in Wrekham, UK is showing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on August 23rd. [link]

As for music that came out last month…

We got the long-awaited Striking Down Diggory album “Graves Under Gringotts.” [link]

Jake Eyre Owling released “All Our Summers Are Deadly.” [link]

And Autumn Brooke gave us “Ode to Wizard Rock.” [link]

All these events, and more, can be found on the Potterhead Calendar page of the WZRD website, so go forth and make new friends.

The final music break opens with Standing in Line and “Too Many Summers.”


That was “Too Many Summers” from Standing in Line [lyrics], “Fallen” by Tonks and the Aurors, and “Dumbledore’s Vacation Song” from Our New Celebrity.

And that’s the end of our episode! Thank you for spending this time with me.

If you heard your new favorite song, go to the transcript at WZRDRadioPod.com, click its link, and buy yourself a copy! Go! Support our wizard rockers! Without them, we wouldn’t be here.

Support WZRD and the Yes All Witches grant by joining the Patreon at Patreon.com/WZRDRadioPod. It’s two muggle dollars a month to get bonus content, early episodes, and support microgrants for queer and BIPoC wizard rockers.

Do you think you know what this episode’s theme was? Let me know on TwitterInstagramFacebook, or TikTok at WZRDRadioPod. You can also comment on the transcript or email me at WZRDRadioPod@gmail.com.

Until next time, magical friends: It’s amazing here, isn’t it?

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