
Episode 33: Candle Wix

Hello magical friends, especially Kate, the newest member of the WZRD Radio Patreon, and Hayley, who I can’t remember if I gave a shout-out to, and would feel terrible if I missed.

I’m your hostwitch Bess, and this month I’m talk to Sagan of Candle Wix. If creating some of the funniest wizard rock around isn’t enough, they’re also the archivist over at the Wizrocklopedia.

First, however, we’ve got some music to get to, so don’t neglect your earmuffs! …I mean headphones.

Here’s ArgenPotter with “Como Un Horcrux.”

Continue reading “Episode 33: Candle Wix”

Episode 28: The Last Knut

Hello magical friends, and welcome to Episode 28 of WZRD Radio. I’m your hostwitch Bess, and I hope your summer is looking as promising as mine. The flutterby bushes are blooming, the jobberknolls are returning from migration, and the Everglades’ horned serpents are waking up from their hibernation.

Let’s celebrate this season with some music!

First up we have ‘ow ‘orrible ‘arry, with “My Stance.”

Continue reading “Episode 28: The Last Knut”